I recently read an article (which I will share with you very soon) about feeding the Creative Mind. Isn't that a great title? I personally think that every person is creative, some just know how to tap into it. Some were told early in life that they were not creative. Some, perhaps, have just not continued to hone their skills and feed the mind in creative ways. Everyone really has to answer this question for themselves. But as I have said before, we were created by the Master Creator and in His image - His likeness - therefore, we are creative. Ok, enough of that.
So, I know that there are certain things that make me feel more creative. This is a funny list in a way, but over the years, I've realized
that these things work for me. Maybe some of them will help you tap into your creative brain. First, WATER. At our church, we have 2 beautiful fountains on each side of our campus. One is the fountain that is in the center of the walk way up to the Worship Center. The other is a gorgeous fountain that flows down from the crosses. It didn't take me long to figure out that I could walk outside, sit for a while, and come up with a solution to a problem. The nice thing about Texas is that most of the time it is super nice, so walking outside is so easy, any time of day, and almost anytime of year.
But here is a crazier place where I am EXTREMELY CREATIVE...the shower. I know, crazy, but this works for me. There is something about getting in a steaming, hot shower that helps me think up anything. Those who work closely with me know this, although I don't talk about it much, but most of my greatest ideas since going into full time ministry have come from showers. One reason is that there are no interruptions there. When the kids were little, this was the place that I could be alone, so uninterrupted thinking definitely helped. There was actually a time here in Texas that I kept bathtub crayons in my shower to write down great ideas in case I forgot them before I finished. I know...sounds silly doesn't it, but it is so true. If I got on a roll, I just made a list and then when I was done, I would transcribe them in my journal. This sounds funny, but you should try it if you find yourself day dreaming in the shower. This was quite a discovery for me.
Here is another form of water, but is a little harder to get to than the previous two - THE BEACH! I think the beach is void of distractions for me. Once a year my family makes its pilgrimage to the beach and there I read, I cook, I sleep, I read, I tan, I read, I cook, I read. It is the simple life and I get to drown myself in SPF 30 and read as many books as I can. I always get in a good fiction book, usually a medical mystery and then spiritual growth books. Sometimes I read fast enough that I get another fiction in on the way home. The sun, the sand, the waves, the family time...it all adds up to great thinking. This past year I didn't even take a nap out on the beach (yes, I am a terrible sleeper). I read and then when my mind would get going, I would write in my journal. I usually come back to work filled to the brim. I love the beach. Maybe I could Robert to fund another pilgrimage to the beach all in the name of work and creativity - well, probably NOT!
I can't finish this blog without talking about what a visual learner I am. So, put anything that the eyes can see in this category -
movies, billboards, commercials, magazines, conferences, videos, art....I could go on and on. I can get great inspiration from anything that my eye can see. So, I do practice that old saying, "Be careful little eye what you see..." Not only am a totally visual learner, but I have a photographic memory that never ends. A wrong image stays and stays with me. Thank goodness for being raised by great parents and having great friends - and let's not forgot that our Lord can make all things new. This brings me back to the picture at the very top of this blog - the mind. Notice the cross in the middle of the mind. This is how I stay at the peak of my creativity - by feeding the mind with the things of Christ. Daily reading God's Word, hearing my Pastor preach scripture word for word, reading books that allow me to grow spiritually - I could go on and on. I'm never as creative as when I am in tune with my Lord - the Master Creator. What's on your list? Maybe I can discover something new that helps me be creative....