A few months ago my Internet mentor, Nancy Beach, posted on her blog about COLLABORATION. As usual, her blog post was completely inspiring to me, and it was then that I decided to enter this word into my vocabulary for regular use. I do like to just say the world "Collaboration", but I love what it means even more. TEAM WORK! If you know me, then you know that I love to work with a team. I am often heard calling it "Kingdom Work". There is no greater creative planning or implementation than when it has been done with a team. I get juiced from working with others who love to dream out loud and aren't afraid to fail forward. When you try to do it all by yourself, it just seems hard and I personally think your creativity is limited in some way. I am best when I am surrounded by a team. I have always had the problem, or some would call it that, of just not seeing the lines when it comes to ministry. When I'm asked to partner with someone in another area, I am so honored. Not because they need my help, but because I get the chance to learn something from them while we work. And you know how I love to LEARN! Kingdom Work is blessed by our Creator. Let's think about this for just a moment. In the beginning, God created... and that includes Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The team - The Trinity - God 3 in One. The very first recorded example of Creativity was a team! Thank you Lord for the example. In the creative arts field, we just have to surround ourselves with a good team - paid or volunteer. Without others, the work is hard, the thanks is little, and the job is too big. The statistics of burnout in this field is huge. Just ask Nancy Beach.
On this note, I'd just like to give thanks to the people that allow me to COLLABORATE with them.
First, my husband, Bradley. We make the greatest team! I call him my secret weapon. From our home, to our kids, to ministry for over 13 years together now - he is my greatest teammate and the one who brings out the best in me. He's never too busy, never too tired, never too afraid to hear my crazy brain. He's also the first to give me godly wisdom when I need to hear Truth. I love him more with each passing year!
Second, my BFF, Angie Elkins. We've been a team for longer than I can believe sometimes. From Senior class President and VP, to high school musicals and friendship - some of my favorite creative ministry moments have been as a result of her creative brain - a seed that she has planted in my mind and let me run with it, or should I say trusted me with. Collaboration with her is always fun, easy and I love it! I look forward to 28 more years of it.
Third, my ministry mentor, Mark Blair. He saw something in me that I knew was there but felt would have to wait. He listened to the Lord's prompting and gave me a chance to soak up his amazing knowledge in all aspects of ministry and the arts. He gave me direction to find the way, correction when my way was wrong, wisdom when the way seemed blurry and encouragement to keep stretching my wings. Leaving the nest of his ministry was painful at the time, but God took that leap of faith and blew my mind. I am grateful for his time, for his partnership and trust to do ministry together for 5 years. One of my greatest privileges in life.
Fourth, my daddy, Andy Gore. He taught me the LOVE OF LEARNING. Literally, he was my first teacher - Homeschool kindergarten in New Albany, MS. He was the one who set the bar of expectation high, and then gave us the ladder to reach the bar. He was my biggest cheerleader back in the day and he still is today. He knows all of my failures and helped me turn them into some of my greatest successes. He taught me how to love and be loved. I will forever be a student because of this great man who showed the way every day and still does. I will always be a Daddy's girl and proud of it.
Abba Father, thank you for these amazing teammates. I am a very blessed woman. Please Lord, give me years of continued creative collaboration with these very important people. I thank you in advance and give you all the glory.