I shared yesterday about my priorities being called back into order by the Lord. Him first. I shared with you that sitting still and being quiet isn't easy for me. Well here is another one that I've been noodling in recent days as I've been taking this trip to rejuvenation God's way. ENTERING INTO REST. I'm studying Hebrews in my 5x5x5 devotional guide that our Pastor recommended to our church this year. In Hebrews 4, Paul (and I personally think he wrote this book of the Bible) is talking to the new believers about the Day of Rest. He goes all the way back to the creation of the world and the example laid out for us there in Genesis. God worked, created for 6 days, and then He entered into rest. Paul is encouraging the new believers here that they too need to follow this guideline and find a pause to their work and enter into rest. Now the Jewish tradition is very strict about the Sabbath day. A devout Jew followed the law which stated that they couldn't carry anything, do any work, even walk a mile on the Day of Rest. Here Paul is speaking to the devout Jewish converts who have overcome the law and believed in Christ that are struggling with their new faith vs. the old law. He is encouraging them that they do need a day of rest Hebrews 4:10-11 says, "Let the person who has entered HIS rest has rested from his own works, just as God did from His. Let us then make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall into the same pattern of disobedience." I am not legalistic...thank God for breaking free from the binds of legalism, and being that I WORK on Sunday since I am in full time ministry, I know that I am not being disobedient as this scripture is encouraging them to avoid. And it does say "make every effort"; however the command to rest still remains.
So how does a person in full time ministry enter into rest? CREATIVELY of course! Theoretically, there is another day which should be a day of rest. Friday is my day off and that is the day I set aside as my day of rest, but if I'm not really careful, it can get away from me. Sometimes getting ready for Sunday just isn't finished on Thursday by 5 pm. Well, most weeks it isn't. But as I'm taking the journey of rejuvenation God's way, I'm realizing that "entering into HIS rest" is a must in this process. All I can honestly say right now is that I am taking this matter to Christ in prayer, especially when those weeks come when we must use our day off to complete the tasks so that our members can come and be blessed and enter into worship on their Day of Rest. And as wonderful as the power source is (God's Word) the Lord gave us this verse in Hebrews 4:16, "Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace in our time of need." The job of a person is full-time ministry can't always guarantee an entire day every 6 days...and there is grace and not law in this area; however, I know that this command is for my health - spiritually, mentally, emotionally - even Jesus took rest even if it was just an hour of prayer in a quiet spot away from the disciples. I am taking this need in my life boldly to the throne. Rejuvenation God's way means He'll make the time. He'll carve out the moments. He'll provide the strength. He'll meet the need and I will find grace in my time of need. And since He is the great Creator, He'll help me find creative ways on busy weeks to enter into rest...as long as I'm doing this God's way and entering into HIS REST. Make every effort to enter into rest....God commands it and we need it.