Wednesday, August 26, 2009

For The Audience of One

The Worship Ministry of First Euless is reading a book together called "The Audience of One" by Mike Pilavachi. It is from a series of little books written on worship that have been produced by Matt Redman. I have thoroughly enjoyed it as I've been reading it, digesting bits and pieces over these summer months. I find myself sitting and shaking my head in agreement with statement after statement written in this little jewel of a book. Over and over again I've thought to myself, "That is what the church needs to hear, to know about worship." I actually finished the book on the way home from vacation. Bradley was driving, so I took advantage of the time. I had been anticipating the chapter entitled "Worship and Creativity". Yes, my 2 favorite topics (besides my husband and my kids). Bring it on Mike Pilavachi! Again, I found myself enthralled with the words and challenges of this yet another great chapter on worship. And as I was about to turn the page to the last chapter, thinking, "Yea, I'm gonna be finished with my assignment before I go back to work," I read this statement, "Just make sure that your public worship is a mirror of your private acts of worship." And as my fingers reached up to turn the page, there was a big screeching noise in my head like the sound you hear when you suddenly slam on the brakes. What? And the Holy Spirit would not let me leave this page.
Instantly, I could sense the Spirit tugging on my heart. My mind traveled back to the days of being a teenager. I was thinking about something my dad used to say to me about public displays of affection. "What you're willing to do in public, means you'll do more in private." And you know, he was absolutely right. I had a high standard with this in my dating life. Avoid the appearance of evil, right?
Fast forward to my present situation. This time the author of my book is talking about my display of affection for my Lord. What I'm willing to do in public, I should mirror that or even go farther in my private worship with my Savior. Ouch! I was instantly convicted and began confessing. Worship is my work. I have never struggled to engage in worship. Even when my dad used to make me hold onto the pulpit so I wouldn't raise my hands when I sang in church as I child, I felt the freedom to do so. I've never been embarrassed about getting involved and leading others to do the same.
Just recently, my BFF Angie and I went to the Travis Cottrell "Jesus Saves" concert at a local church on a Sunday night. I needed to go so badly. We both went with great anticipation of meeting Christ and being filled with a fresh anointing of the Spirit at this event. It took me a couple of songs to get my producer mode turned off, and then I just worshipped, standing, clapping, singing, raising my hands in adoration - whatever felt appropriate. It was honest and heartfelt - AUTHENTIC would be a great way to describe how I was feeling about this worship experience. And then the singers began to sing a song I had never heard, "The Mercy Seat". Oh, this song was an experience all its own to me. My mind was instantly taken to the scripture in Isaiah 6 where Isaiah come into the temple to see the Lord high and lifted up. His glory filled the temple. And the creatures gathered around him were singing, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come." But Isaiah could not speak. His lips were unclean. And a creature flew to him and touched his lips with a white hot coal, so that he was made clean. I had to sit down and cry. Here I was, almost at the end of my worship experience, but I just needed to get on my face in the temple. I couldn't, I was wearing a dress, but I knew in my mind I could. I could enter that throne room boldly and fall at the feet of Jesus. The words to song they were singing are...
"He said that I could come into His presence without fear
Where His mercy hovers near
I'm running, I'm running, I'm running to the mercy seat
Where Jesus is waiting
His grace and blood will cover me...
Lord, have mercy, Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy on me..."
And I knew I was covered and forgiven, just as Isaiah knew he could approach the throne because his lips were made clean. But here is my question, for myself, "Does this type of experience get mirrored in my private worship, when I am alone, just me and Jesus, and He's waiting for my personal adoration? When there is no one to lead. Does my private worship glorify the One who created me to worship Him?" Lord, I bow the knee in surrender.... You are worthy to receive more.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jesus Is My Lord and I Am Not Ashamed!

I was most privileged to be a part of the most amazing service I have seen in my 10 years of ministry. My church, First Baptist Euless, baptized 107 people in our 2 services yesterday. The Spirit was heavy and God's people responded over and over to His leading. I was definitely worshipping while I worked. We started the day with over 80 people who had already responded to our pastor's message about Biblical baptism as our first act of obedience after salvation. Bro. John stated it so well,
"If your first act to follow Christ in obedience is believer's baptism, then can He give you the next step until you follow this one?" This question rang true in the hearts of many in our congregation who had been on the list for a long while, as well as new believers too. We planned and prepared for three weeks until we reached "Not Ashamed" Sunday. Worship was amazing and the people were engaged in every way. Then one after one, our congregation cheered as 3 of our ministers baptized our church members 3 at a time in the big horse troughs you see above. But, the MOST powerful part was the declaration that each person proclaimed before they were submerged in the water. One by one, they stood and said, "My name is ____, Jesus is My Lord and I am not ashamed!" And with every declaration, our congregation applauded, cheered, cried, agreed. It was so moving. I struggled at times to push back my tears as I was working. Deacons, connection class leaders, children, Senior citizens, God's children proclaiming their love for their Master.
And just when I thought it couldn't get any better, Bro. John took time in the middle of our 2nd service to share the Gospel and invited those in the congregation who wanted to accept Him, as well as those who needed to drop their pride and take that hard step of obedience for baptism, to come forward. And instantly - people began to move. Praise Team members, deacons, children's workers, friends - to the cheers and applause of our congregation - a roar like you might have heard at a football game right after an interception or a touchdown - the people of First Euless rang out in support of their brothers and sisters as they moved to obey Christ. Well, there was no holding back those tears anymore. And we added to our plan and by the end of the day, 107 people had been through the baptism waters, one by one, standing together proclaiming, "Jesus is my Lord and I am not ashamed!" And as we concluded, what I think everyone would have loved to have gone on and on, we lifted our voices together to praise the One who is The Gospel. I can hear it now...
"Savior, He can move the mountains.
My God is mighty to save. He is mighty to save.
Forever, Author of Salvation.
He rose and conquered the grave.
Jesus conquered the grave.
Shine your light and let the whole world see
We're singing, for the glory of the Risen King, Jesus!"
And Robert and the band just let the music roll and settle as our people clapped, jumped, lifted their hands in adoration of the One who is our Salvation.

My name is Lainie Thomas. Jesus is my Lord and I am Not Ashamed!"
Romans 1:16

Friday, August 21, 2009

Marking Time

I have a secret to tell you. I'm not like most folks who mark the beginning of their year on January 1st. I know it sounds funny, but for the last 13 years of my life, I have marked my "beginning of a new year" by our family vacation to the beach. I think it might be because of where it falls. The kids are about to start a new school year. Summer is coming to an end. Fall kick off at church or promotion Sunday as some might call it. Maybe it feels like a new beginning because I've been in ministry for 10 years now and fall marks the beginning of the "new year". So, my mind flows that way. I think that is another reason why I reminisce and get nostalgic when I'm here too. And after 13 years of Thomas family beach vacations, I can mark time with each vacation. So, it's not just my great book I read this week that puts me in that mind time-traveling mode.
Just last night, we went to get ice cream with our friends from Maryland. Although Bailey and Abby had been spent several days together on the beach, it was the first time they had seen Brody all week. And as we walked through the Destin Harbor after the fireworks were over, Lori looked right at me and commented about Brody, "Wow, he's really grown a lot over this past year." See what I mean. These weeks are like a marker for me. Like a line in the sand of another year that has passed by. And I find myself enjoying each one more than the one before. This afternoon, we all stood together on the sand, and Phil said, "Well, we'll see ya next year, same time, same place." Then he started this, "Happy birthday to all of you. Happy Thanksgiving. Merry Christmas. Congratulations on your seminary graduation, Bradley." We all chuckled, but that was exactly what I was standing there thinking. Here comes another year. If the Lord tarries and we are all blessed to be here in one year, the kids will all be taller. Bradley will have completed his Master's degree from Southwestern. Horray! Bailey will have completed her first year of middle school. Brody will be about to start his last year of elementary school. I will be 30 lbs lighter (yes, only 30 more to go). We'll all be a year older. I'll have been out of high school for more than 20 years. Will Brody be wearing braces this time next year? I could go on and on....
As our beach friends walked away, I thought to myself...a lot can happen in a year. There is potential for so many new and wonderful things in our lives. What if Bailey has her first real crush on a boy this year? She sits on the verge of so many new things at her age and heading into middle school. How many inches will Brody have grown? Will there be any significant changes in our family and all our lives? Truly, only the Lord knows our steps ordered for this next year that lay out in front of us. Just like looking across the ocean that seems to stretch out endlessly into the horizon....this next year is endless with possibilities.
Sitting here in Florida tonight and knowing that tomorrow we head back home and that new year in our family begins, I feel both sad and excited. It was a good year for the family. It had its highs and lows, joys and sorrows. It's hard to believe how the kids have grown and changed. We'll never get this time back. But then I look at the potential for what lies ahead and I am excited. We'll place our trust surely on the Lord who knows what lies ahead. We'll seek Him first and He promises we will find Him. We'll be faithful in all He entrusts us with this year and ask His blessings upon our family. We'll not waste a minute loving each other. We'll laugh along the way. And when tears spring up, we'll give each other a shoulder to cry on. We'll celebrate the accomplishments and give each other courage to try again after the failures. We'll dream big and dare to use our imaginations to seek new adventures. And when Jasper (our family car) pulls into Destin next year, we'll take time remember the journey that has brought us around to another Thomas family vacation at the beach. I anticipate it even now. Until then, let's get back at it. There is much to be done....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

BIG Beach Imaginations

I love to use my imagination. If there is one thing that living in the rural country-side when I was little taught me, it was how to use my imagination to pass many summer days by. I've posted before about how my brother and I spent hours on end playing with rocks, leaves, dirt, etc., all powered by nothing but our imaginations when we were growing up. It was awesome and I attribute much of my creative brainstorming abilities to just having grown up with my imagination being my best and favorite toy. Time travel back to the Summer of '09...
So, Bradley and I are raising our kids in a world filled with technology. I mean, Nintendo DS's, iPods, XBoxes, digital everything, I could go on and on. Kids in today's world should NEVER get bored, right? The world is always at their fingertips. Well, I had a proud and fun mommy moment today while at the pool with my kiddiloos. Bradley wanted to go back to the beach, but the kids just wanted to swim around the pool. And we were all alone on this gorgeous day in this huge pool, together.
Imagine this scene with me...Bailey and Brody were only about 10 feet apart from each other in the water. Both had their goggles on. And both were "playing" their own adventures. I began to watch and even more, listen to what they were doing. Brody was scuba diving. He wasn't in a pool at all! He was out on the big, blue ocean, on a huge boat, all dressed up in a full scuba rig, wearing a black scuba suit (I know, 'cause I asked him). He was diving into the deep ocean trying to rescue some "thing" that was sunken below. He crouched on the side of the ship (pool), and when he had his rig (goggles) all set, he'd give the captain of the boat a signal, and then he's launch himself backwards off the boat ledge (pool ledge) and into the ocean. After some scuba time, he'd come up with a treasure (a diving ball) that he'd rescued from the bottom of the very deep ocean. Over and over I watched him pretend his scuba adventure until all of the treasure was safely aboard his sea-faring vessel (a plastic blue toy ship).
Now I turned my attention to Bailey. She was just a few feet away from him, and she was a cast member on the CBS show, "Survivor". She was participating in a swimming challenge that appeared to be a killer! She was swimming laps with these yellow, weighted swimming balls in a race against the other survivors on her tropical island of wherever. At times, she'd just have to lean over the side of the ocean (pool), and her chest would heave with exhaustion from the cruel race that Jeff had just put all of the Survivors through. Wow...she was really earning her chance at a million dollars. It was impressive.
Now about 20 minutes later, Brody the 9 year old and Bailey the 11 year old were back in the pool in Destin with me, their adventures safely concluded for now. They decided that we needed to head back down to the beach. And that was just the beginning. The waves were crashing in to the shore pretty good, and they took their boogie boards and headed out for some surfin' fun. I'm watching and reading at the same time. This time they appear to just be riding the waves, when they come crawling up onto the beach together, as if they had been swimming towards shore for days. Bailey walks up and says this to me, "Ma'am, could we bunk in your house tonight? Our ship crashed out in the middle of the ocean, we've been swimming for days, we're starving and sleepy and exhausted!" Of course, without hesitation I replied, "What proof can you give me that you 2 ocean-faring strangers aren't dangerous? How can I trust you to sleep under my roof tonight?" And she said, "Ma'am, we'd be happy to sleep under your tent here on the beach if you'd let us." Well, who could argue with that. And they begin to gather "barnacle" (dried sea weed), which apparently goes extremely well with little fishies that can be easily caught along the shore. And they turned all of our beach toys into stoves,pots, fires, and everything you need when you're stranded from a ship wreck.
Oh, I could go on and on writing about their adventures this afternoon. But I'll just end this post by saying, "Thank you, Lord, that my kids have big, huge imaginations and they never tire of using them." I hope that is something I can contine to model for them, and when I blessed enough, I hope I get to continue participating in their grand "pretend" adventures. What a great day at the beach! I wonder what tomorrow holds in store for us?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Beach & Friends

This is our second year coming to this particular place in Florida for vacation. We spent 10 years of vacations at the same beach in New Smyrna Beach, FL, and then our move to Texas brought the need to find a more centralized location between Texas and Tennessee. Destin was it and we love it. Last year, on our second day on the beach, there was a girl about Bailey's age who kept wondering around us, looking over, watching our family have fun on the beach. When we moved up to the pool, she ventured over in the water to introduce herself as Abby from Maryland. It didn't take 2 minutes for Abby from Maryland to become fast friends with Bailey. Abby's parents are blessed enough to own property here in Destin and they come the same two weeks every year, which happens to be the same time as our vacation. So, after almost one week of beach fun, our families felt like a friendship had been formed. But our week always flies by so fast and before we knew it, it was time for our Maryland friends to head back north and time for us to venture back across to Texas. But thanks to technology and emails, the girls have stayed in touch over the last year.
So, now we find ourselves in 2009, and right back at the beach visiting with our Maryland friends. And to keep the mind-time-traveling theme going, it didn't take 2 minutes and it was as if no time had passed since the last time the girls had strolled into the water, laughing, jumping waves, just having fun. However, there are some differences to let me know that time has passed. Bailey is now the same height as Abby. I happen to weigh quite a bit less than this time last year (just had to put that in there), and of course, my baby girl is about to become a middle schooler. But here we are, sitting, visiting, talking about beach property, politics, etc...right where we left our Maryland friends this time last year. And I loved it.
Now let me also mention that after dinner, Brody video Skyped with his #1 BFF who is in Texas and has been missing his best buddy quite a bit. And so, of course, the mommy BFF's had to have a little catch up time too. Technology just makes keeping in touch so much easier for us these days.
But the point to my blog isn't really about the passing of time or technology, but about the fact that I've always wanted my kids to have friendships that stretch across time and even miles that are important to them. The ones that just pick back up where they seemed to have left off. One like I have with my childhood friend, Angie. I can say after 28 years of friendship, that my life has been richly blessed by sharing so many years, moments, and memories with Angie. Sometimes reminiscing with her is like turning the pages of your favorite book that spans across several decades. It's like your favorite, warm blanket and a cup of homemade cocoa. It is comfortable and comforting that someone has your same memories...the same pictures that play in your mind likes old movies. Unfortunately I can't time travel to the future to see if these friendships of my children will last as long as mine has, but watching and listening to these encounters come and go makes me hopeful for them. I know their lives will be nothing but enriched by these friendships reaching years, decades into their futures.
It was a good day...the beach and friends only made it better. Wonder what tomorrow will bring our way?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What's In A Name?

I'm almost done reading my book here at the beach, "The Time Traveler's Wife". It is just so good to soak up the sun with a good book. Today, Henry and Clare had a baby girl in my book, and it wasn't until two weeks before she was born that they chose her name. I loved this chapter...they were spitting out names and looking up their meanings. Of course, I had my own little time travel - in my mind- back to a conversation that Bailey, Brody and I just had yesterday.
Here we go...We were walking along the beach, joking about what if Bradley and I were to have more babies. Brody would love that, but not Bailey. She is just fine being the only princess in our family. But immediately, she said, it would be a Cooper or a Delaney. That led us into this great conversation about names. I asked Bailey if she liked her name and she said an emphatic "yes!" Of course, Brody chimed in just the same. She was almost an "Emerson" and she likes that name, but told me that she is very happy being a Bailey. I told her that I never really liked my name when I was growing up (sorry Daddy). My brother has a very important family name, James Andrew Gore III. He was a promised fulfilled to my grandfather, the Sr., and just in case you want to know, the IV has been born and he'll be 12 this year. Back to our conversation....I was telling Bailey that my brother Jamie got to have 2 names - his long one and then the one we all called him, Jamie. But everyone called me Elaine and that was my middle name. But my Aunt Jane started calling me Lainie when I was little and I LOVED IT! I have always wanted that to just be my real name. Don't get me wrong, I love who I am named for, my Aunt Elaine who passed away when she was only 8 years old from brain cancer. In my mind-time-traveling state, I often wish I could have met her. She was a beautiful little girl with beautiful ringlet curls all over her head. My niece Chloe has her hair. Anyway...I love that I was named for her, but to me Lainie just fits my personality.
It was then that Bailey asked me if she would be the next to have twins. I told her that it was definitely possible. Twins skip generations in my family. My Mamms had a twin brother, Robert. I have a twin brother, Bailey could be the next to have twins. WOW...just consider this time warp conversation. Bailey, almost 11 years old next week, begins to tell me that she'd like to keep the B's going. She will name the twins Bradie Rebecca (for the girl) and Brett Lee (for the boy). Rebecca is a family name for both the Thomas side and the Gore side. Lee is her Grandad Thomas's middle name and one we wanted to pass along, but just didn't have enough kids for that. Bailey has seemed to settle on the fact that she too will have boy and girl twins. I tell her that Daddy and I will love them and we'll come and help her when she has them. And then we begin to talk about the day when her kids are running around on the beach with us. I happen to ask if she knows her husband's name just in case. She just responds with an "!" That's enough to make a mom of an 11 year old girl smile. :)
And just like that, we're back to's time to come in and make dinner. Just as we're about to leave the beach, she looks over at me and says, "Mom, if I really have twins some day, I'm gonna need your photographic memory to help me remember what I want to name them, ok?" I smile and say, "I've got ya covered, girlie." What a conversation filled with many different periods of time and locations - memories of the past and hopes of ones to come.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Time Traveling At The Beach

One of my favorite things to do at the beach is to read. This year, I brought the book, "The Time Traveler's Wife". I've heard all the acclaim for the movie, but I love to read best sellers before I watch the movie, so this is my summer reading. And I am thoroughly enjoying it. It is such a great read and quite a creative concept to keep up with Clare and Henry over many dates, times and ages. And it has put me in a mental time traveling state. It actually started before I began reading the book. The beach just brings back many wonderful memories for me of my amazing family. As Bradley and I walked up to our new condo that we chose to stay out this year, my mind wondered back to the first time he and I arrived at the beach together for family vacation. In 2009, this year, we arrived before the family, but in the Summer of 1997, we arrived last. And we were met by Bradley's dad, Dr. Danny Thomas (I called him Doc back then and just Dad now), who said this as we stepped out of our car, "Bradley, how could you chose this place? It is a dump and your mom is upset!" He was helping us put our stuff on a cart to traverse up to 301 of Moontide. And I was dying on the inside. Oh no! We're going to be here an entire week with my in-laws of just over a year and Bradley's grandparents, and they hate it! Wow, this will be too much fun. And then we walked into the condo and Bradley's mom was jumping up and down, squealing with excitement because the condo was beautiful! Nice! Bradley's dad got us good. Now fast-forward 13 years later and we're walking into our new condo. Bradley opens the door, while holding his breath and then, we both start jumping up and down, squealing with delight! No, this is the BEST condo ever! And right then and there Bradley decides to turn this 13 year old joke on his dad. Hysterical! My time traveling started right then and there.
Sitting on the deck today reading my book, Bailey comes out to sit by me. She is almost as tall as me. She has some of my features, but her figure is Becky Thomas all the way, and I am so grateful. And just like that, I'm back at the beach in 1998. It is a hot June day. I'm wearing a blue and green maternity bathing suit and yellow cover up. I know!!! It is about day 3 of our week long vacation and I'm trying to figure out how to sit my very big baby-belly down gracefully on my beach chair. Just when I get comfortable, a man walks over to me from his area on the beach. He's holding a shovel and proceeds to ask me if I need help with my umbrella today. I tell him no thanks. My husband is just about to come down and put it in the sand for me. Just then he says this, "Ma'm, I wanted you to know that I am a doctor and you look like you could deliver any day, so if you happen to go into labor, just scream and I can help you." I can hear it like it was yesterday. I proceed to pat my very large, whale-like belly and say, "I only have 3 more months to go, sir, so I think I'll be okay today. But thank you anyway." He walks quietly away. If I didn't love the beach so much, I would have waddled right back up to our room. But, I was pretty much stuck in my chair anyway. Bailey would be born just 3 months later. It was her first trip to the beach. And instantly, I'm back in 2009 and she's asking me to go for a walk on the beach with her and Brody. What a fun trip back in time! And no waddling this time.
As we walk down the beach looking at washed up Jellyfish, my mind continues to take little time trips. I begin to share some of them with my kids. They laugh as I do. Like one summer in New Symrna, which Brody used to lovingly call "New Smyrnal", we were out on the deck on a rainy day. Much like today, the waves were crashing the shore. I think that was what made my mind wonder back across time. I asked Bailey if she remembered that mom on the deck next to ours yelling to get her daughter out of the ocean. It was actually closed to people that day too. She was yelling "Nunee!" I guess that we her name. Bailey instantly started dying laughing. That is only something my family would understand. Back into 2009, Brody wanted a story about him at the beach. His first trip was to New Smyrna. The first time we sat him on the beach, he just ate an entire handful. No crying, no choking...He just ate it. He's loved the beach ever since. I instantly time travel to the summer of 2004. Brody is 4 and we're all sitting around the pool together. Of course, he is afraid of nothing. It is after dinner and we're all just sitting on chairs up on the roof of the Moontide talking about our day. The next thing I know, Brody yells back at us, "Look, I can swim!" And in he jumps. The only problem is, his swimmies are sitting on the side of the pool. Of course, we all panic and jump up into our lifesaving mode to go and rescue our dying 4 year old son. Only, he's swimming like a fish all over the pool. Just like that. He's never looked back. And just like that I'm in 2009, sitting in Destin, holding my book, watching my tanned beach boy in his goggles doing laps like he's Michael Phelps. I think this time he's doing the breast-stroke and he's pretty good.
In the 2 days we've been here together, I bet I have "time traveled" over 100 times to precious memories of us over the last 13 years. Moments engraved in my mind. Since I have a photographic memory, they all seem as vivid as if they were just happening in the here and now. Where has the time gone? The baby who was in my belly in 1998 is laying over there on the couch. She's starting middle school on Monday. My beach baby has been practing his tackle football skills by tackling pillows on his bed in the next room. My amazing husband is stretched out on the middle couch with a camo band-aid over his right eye...wait, that's another story for another blog adventure. In short, I have and am loving my life. We are so blessed! And I'm grateful that I can condure up these moments of life, precious and priceless moments, to keep my company in my here and now. On to the next adventure!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Have you missed me? I've been quiet again...I know, it's been a while. The spring was...mmm...interesting. The summer has been busier than expected. And now, we're nearing the end of summer and that means my family ventures to the beach for vacation. And I have to be honest to myself and to you and say that sometimes I just don't feel that I have anything worth listening too. That's sad in a way. I identify that feeling in my life as being stale or just plain tired. I recently read a quote from Rick Warren about staying fresh in ministry, "Divert daily, Withdraw weekly, Abandon annually." Yes, this makes great sense to me. And here at the beach, I seem to get my bearings straightened out. It couldn't come at a better time. My wonderful boss sent me to an awesome conference and now my toes are on the white sand of Destin. Yes..... When you serve in a creative industry and you have to create every 7 days, tired comes easy. But let's look at this quote and see how it might help us to recover, get back on track, and get back at it. Ok?
DIVERT DAILY: I read this as spending time in the Word and prayer with my Creator. Daily diversion from the rat race, the grind stone, and I could think up 100 more cliches. HA! But this is solid truth. The source of my power and daily strength comes but from one place. In Christ Alone! How sad that I have to make time to divert. Life is really that busy isn't it? As soon as my feet hit the floor, I have family with needs. A cell phone that starts to ring. A computer with tons of emails to be answered. Meetings to attend. Oh, and let's not forget Facebook - got to check in with my 100's of peeps. :) But shouldn't the main priority be to DIVERT from all that could be a distraction to just spending time alone with my Maker. I've been learning that I really must do it all day long, as I go about the rat race. Thank you Lord for being in the mundane and every day with me. Next...
WITHDRAW WEEKLY: I think this could be as simple as really have a day off every week. Time away from the office, etc. But often for me, it means corporate worship. Now, worship is my work and I absolutely love it! There is no greater joy than watching people join in with you, to worship Our Father. I think both are a must! There must be a day that I just don't check my work long as I can without being incredibly behind since Sunday is a comin'. But to gather together with the saints to corporately focus on the One who created us for Worship. must be done weekly. Even here in Destin, we took out the MacBook Pro and logged onto and worshipped with our fellow saints in Texas, only we were all still in our PJ's. A nice treat to sleep in until 9:15 am and still get to watch worship. And it was heaven. Tears came to my eyes as I watched and listened to our precious choir sing "God is Here" this morning. And He was here...sitting on my heart...speaking to me. "Rest child. Now is the time to rest. I have much I need you to do, but right now, you need to rest." Thank you Lord for the still, quiet voice that speaks to my soul. Which brings me to #3...
ABANDON ANNUALLY: Ah... the beach. Even with a tropical storm brewing up in the gulf, we've traveled away from home to be together as a family and abandon the normal pace of life. Once a year. I tell people all the time that the beach is a must for me. That's not really true, but I sure do enjoy it. And the Lord blessed us this year to be able to make another trip to the beach. And let me tell you, we're staying in the BEST condo we've ever stayed in. Way to go honey! Can I get an "Amen!" And then the Lord spoke so softly to me this morning,..."Just rest". So, here I am...soaking up the sun (well, once the tropical storm passes over tomorrow), sitting on the sand, reading, resting, napping, cooking, laughing, celebrating, talking, praying, thinking, writing, looking, being abandoned to this I so needed.
There sure seems to be something to this quote. "Divert daily...Withdraw weekly...Abandon annually." I think I feel it working.