Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jesus Is My Lord and I Am Not Ashamed!

I was most privileged to be a part of the most amazing service I have seen in my 10 years of ministry. My church, First Baptist Euless, baptized 107 people in our 2 services yesterday. The Spirit was heavy and God's people responded over and over to His leading. I was definitely worshipping while I worked. We started the day with over 80 people who had already responded to our pastor's message about Biblical baptism as our first act of obedience after salvation. Bro. John stated it so well,
"If your first act to follow Christ in obedience is believer's baptism, then can He give you the next step until you follow this one?" This question rang true in the hearts of many in our congregation who had been on the list for a long while, as well as new believers too. We planned and prepared for three weeks until we reached "Not Ashamed" Sunday. Worship was amazing and the people were engaged in every way. Then one after one, our congregation cheered as 3 of our ministers baptized our church members 3 at a time in the big horse troughs you see above. But, the MOST powerful part was the declaration that each person proclaimed before they were submerged in the water. One by one, they stood and said, "My name is ____, Jesus is My Lord and I am not ashamed!" And with every declaration, our congregation applauded, cheered, cried, agreed. It was so moving. I struggled at times to push back my tears as I was working. Deacons, connection class leaders, children, Senior citizens, God's children proclaiming their love for their Master.
And just when I thought it couldn't get any better, Bro. John took time in the middle of our 2nd service to share the Gospel and invited those in the congregation who wanted to accept Him, as well as those who needed to drop their pride and take that hard step of obedience for baptism, to come forward. And instantly - people began to move. Praise Team members, deacons, children's workers, friends - to the cheers and applause of our congregation - a roar like you might have heard at a football game right after an interception or a touchdown - the people of First Euless rang out in support of their brothers and sisters as they moved to obey Christ. Well, there was no holding back those tears anymore. And we added to our plan and by the end of the day, 107 people had been through the baptism waters, one by one, standing together proclaiming, "Jesus is my Lord and I am not ashamed!" And as we concluded, what I think everyone would have loved to have gone on and on, we lifted our voices together to praise the One who is The Gospel. I can hear it now...
"Savior, He can move the mountains.
My God is mighty to save. He is mighty to save.
Forever, Author of Salvation.
He rose and conquered the grave.
Jesus conquered the grave.
Shine your light and let the whole world see
We're singing, for the glory of the Risen King, Jesus!"
And Robert and the band just let the music roll and settle as our people clapped, jumped, lifted their hands in adoration of the One who is our Salvation.

My name is Lainie Thomas. Jesus is my Lord and I am Not Ashamed!"
Romans 1:16

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