Monday, January 19, 2009

August Rush

Well, I know that I am behind on seeing this movie, but once I did, it was so inspiring.  I have a friend who told me that I would love it and I absolutely did.  Now, you know that I am a huge music lover, so this story about a child prodigy just feeling the music inside him, since both his mother and father were musical geniuses, and then just one day playing like he was B.B. King's guitar teacher, well, I can buy it.  Some things you are just born with, you know.  August's Rhapsody just flowing out of him was very inspiring, but for me, there was a whole other area of inspiration.  You see, I have 2 very impressionable kids.  Bailey is 10 and just about to start piano lessons, and Brody is 8 and just about to start guitar kids and music is very much on my radar right now.  But also, watching a child, even one from a movie script, find his potential and realize that he's been given a gift that can change the world around that is inspiring.  My kids are so like this. One day, Brody is going to be a professional football player on the weekends and an artist during the week...
Oh, and by the way, he's also a professional paper folder (origami is his new fave); he's going to be an American Idol one day, since he's got a good singing voice you know.  He'll probably do 
that and then become an astronaut since he loves outer space.  Oh, let's not forget that he plans on racing Nascar cars some day in his spare time.  And then there is Bailey.  She started out wanting to be a teacher, then a dance teacher, and then just a dancer.  But, then she came out of her shell and decided that her gifts were in front of the TV or movie screen.  Now she's toggling in between being an actress or a newscaster, we're just not sure at this time.  If either one of those don't work out for her, then she'll take to producing others on TV or the big screen.  So, all of this to say, that to them at this age, the world is completely open.  It is all possible and they can achieve just any of this that they put their minds and efforts too.  

Now, they are both believers, so we know that scripture says in Proverbs 16:9, "We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps." (NLT)  I can certainly see this to be true in my life, and of course, it is my prayer for my children.  So, I absolutely know that God has a plan for a hope and a future for Bailey and Brody (Jeremiah 29:11)...but until the Lord begins to open those doors and direct their steps, I want them to be able to continue dreaming that ANY and ALL of these dreams that roll around in their minds and over their sweet little lips...any of them ARE POSSIBLE, especially when the Lord is on their side.  My prayer as their mom is that I won't be the limitation force in their lives.  Anytime that Brody comes up with a new "thing" he's gonna do in the future, I want him to hear me say, "Yes you can, Buddy.  You dream it, you can accomplish it."  As a former teacher, I know that there was big truth to me looking into the eyes of a student and saying, "You just can't do that."  Sometimes, that was just the harsh voice of reality helping to steer them through the door God wanted them to go through...but unfortunately, at times it was me just putting limits on their budding minds.  What a heavy responsibility I'd been given in their lives at that time...and how shameful that at times, I wasted that chance by putting limitations on them.  Thank you Lord that You order our steps and not some stupid teacher projecting herself on them...  

I can honestly say that I was blessed to be raised by parents who did not say, "You know you can't do should do this."  I always felt supported and that I could achieve anything I set my mind too.  My parents encouraged me to read, to travel, to dream and then put forth the work ethic to be able to achieve those dreams.  And now, it is my turn to do that with my kids.  So, with God's help and His plan, I just might find myself being the mom of a professional football player, an astronaut, a Nascar driver, an actress or movie star.  Dream big, babies.  And as Ms. Vicki said today, "Aim for the moon, and if you fall short, at least you'll be among the stars."  Only God knows what my babies will be when they are all grown up.  I can't wait to see what they become.  I sure do like the direction they are going right now.  

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